Baraka Your Impact
Baraka Your Impact
With Baraka you have an impact – that is the heart of our business model and central to all that we do.
That isn’t to say we are a charity, or want you to believe that we are only in business to help and to serve the hard-working women who make the amazing butters and oils you have come to love.
Not at all. We are in business to make money – any business that tells you otherwise is either stupid or lying. We just believe that our business will be more successful if we are making an impact, especially for those women who we depend on for our production.
Baraka was founded on the belief that business can and should create social value and be an effective steward of the environment at the same time as it creates profits and shareholder value. Our success, and our ongoing impact depends on us doing all three.
We cannot continue to create social impact if we aren’t profitable, we will go out of business. And we believe that if we just create profit and no social impact the profit will soon disappear and we will be out of business.
So, for Baraka success is a balancing act, one that you are all part of. When we get it right we continue (through your purchases) to have an impact on thousands of hard-working women in rural Africa and we make money to let us pay our team and build and grow our business.
We don’t believe in running around saying how wonderful we are for all we do. The reality is that any impact we make is only because of customers like you and your customers who buy the products you make with Baraka Butters and Oils. If you are interested in the impact you help us make we invite you to hear from the women themselves at
Thanks for being part of this journey with us. We couldn’t do it without you.
Director and co-founder
Former Prof. of Practice in Corporate Social Responsibility (McGill)
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