Three Reasons to Shop Small Business


Small businesses are all around us, but because of the big guys we may not have the awareness to realize it. I’m here to emphasize the importance of shopping small business whenever you get a chance… and here’s my top three reasons.

Small businesses (especially those that are local) support cities, towns, and neighborhoods.

These owners pay taxes to your city, that help fund parks, schools, neighborhoods, and more. In fact, according to Civic Economics, “on average, 48% of each purchase at local independent businesses is recirculated locally, compared to less than 14% of purchases at chain stores.”

Small businesses have a much more hands-on approach with their customers, providing better service and an overall positive shopping experience.

Oftentimes, small businesses are made up of a few individuals, who are fully invested in the satisfaction of their customers, thus going above and beyond in all-things their business.

Small business are the brainchild of passionate and creative individuals.

These individuals are taking an impactful risk in pursuing their passion and selling their products/services. Support creative dreams and enjoy products made with a personal touch.

So how does all of this apply to Baraka!? Baraka Shea Butter is a small Canadian/Ghanaian family-owned business founded by husband and wife team, Wayne Dunn (Canadian/Irish) and Gifty Serbeh-Dunn (Ghanaian/Canadian). Both are compassionate and kind, with a wonderful sense of humor (that’s my favorite thing about them).

Baraka serves the worldwide community on a very personal level. The Baraka mission is all about giving back to the hardworking men and women in Kpersi, Ghana, who are the creators of Baraka’s luxurious Shea Butter. Even more important than selling Shea Butter is creating a genuine community of individuals. Baraka believes in having a hands-on experience with both customers and creators, those who supply and purchase shea butter.

By purchasing Baraka Shea Butter, you provide:

    • Fair payment to producers and workers
    • Support of women, families, communities, and development in Ghana
    • Creation of high-quality products brought to the market in a fair, equitable, and environmentally sustainable manner
    • Sustainability for Baraka’s team, creators, and producers, to keep the mission going

For 2019, I urge each of you to shop small business. Find out more about what they do, who they are, and how they contribute to the neighborhood, community, and the world. Their purpose, passion, and product (say that three times fast) may give you the final nudge to support.


My name is Sonia and I am a skincare enthusiast and lover of all things DIY (everything from home improvement to skincare). I adore Baraka Shea Butter’s mission and overall transparency. Not only are they focused on doing good, but their products are great! I am a fierce small business supporter! Currently, I work in high-tech, but also run a beauty and fashion blog.

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