Scars No More, Thanks to Shea Butter!
One of the most common ailments as a child (and even as an adult) is chicken pox. While it is a somewhat harmless virus (thanks to modern medicine), it can in fact have long-lasting effects… specifically, the scars it leaves behind. The biggest tip we can offer is don’t scratch or itch the rash. This can cause irritation, bleeding, and ultimately, scarring. Even if you avoid this, there is still a chance you may be left with mild to severe scars. So, what now?
Have no fear, shea butter is here! Shea butter is a powerful natural aid for any post-chicken pox marks. Shea contains various vitamins and other healthy fatty acids that often have anti-inflammatory benefits. Specifically, it is full of Vitamin E, which is widely known to be skin-healing and protective. Beyond shielding you from free-radicals and sun-damage, this vitamin can also reduce the appearance of scars.
Shea butter also consists of stearic fatty acids, which has some serious healing properties. Beyond chicken-pox scarring, shea butter is ideal to use on acne scarring, stretch marks, and burns. Forget the chemicals and expensive creams, give this natural product a try!
One of my favorite recipes that contains additional scar-preventing ingredients is this DIY Body Butter.
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