Healthy Skin Starts From Within!


I have always been proud of my skin, I take very good care of it. Not only do I apply the right products and natural ingredients (like Baraka Shea Butter and Baraka Virgin Coconut Oil), but I also nourish my skin from the inside out. With a balanced diet, adequate nutrients and vitamins, and increased hydration, my skin glows and stays clears.

  1. Eat 4-5 servings of fruit and veggies each day.
    Fruits and veggies have serious antioxidants that help you skin avoid cellular damage. Eat a rainbow of colorful foods and your skin will thank you.
  2. Eat enough Vitamin C.
    Vitamin C is known for its anti-aging capabilities, while also boosting your immune system. It produces collagens and helps your capillaries circulate blood flow. So grab oranges, strawberries, sweet potatoes, or vitamin c supplements.
  3. Add Selenium to your diet.
    What is sel…en…ium? Many of us have not heard of this nutrient. Eat shellfish, eggs, tomatoes, and broccali! Opt for a serving per day, because studies show a selenium-rich diet can help to protect against skin cancer, sun damage, and age spots. Yes, please!
  4. Vitamin E is key!
    Vitamin E protects against cell damage. I apply a light serum on my face before bed, but also internally, stock up on almonds, avocado, and sunflower seeds.
  5. Hydrate with 6-7 glasses of water daily.
    There was a 30-day study that showed a woman who drank 6-7 glasses of water per day and her skin looked years younger! Healthy, moisturized skin starts from within.
  6. Not all fat is bad… eat healthy fat.
    Healthy fats such as avocados (and they are delicious too), provide essential fatty acids to heal and promote collagen in skin. They are also natural moisturizers and protect again free radicals in the air.
  7. Omega-3 is also key!
    Another essential fatty acid that helps with overall skin health and anti-aging can be found in oily fish and plant sources.
  8. Zinc is under-rated.
    Zinc helps the normal functioning of oil producing glands and can help to repair skin damage. How can you get your fix of zinc? Incorporate fish, lean red meat, wholegrains, poultry, nuts, seeds and shellfish into your diet.

These tips for healthy skin are delicious and nutritious! Include them in your diet and re-evaluate after thirty days. We can almost guarantee you will see a difference!

XO Sonia

SoniaMy name is Sonia and I am a skincare enthusiast and lover of all things DIY (everything from home improvement to skincare). I adore Baraka Shea Butter’s mission and overall transparency. Not only are they focused on doing good, but their products are great! I am a fierce small business supporter! Currently, I work in high-tech, but also run a beauty and fashion blog.

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