Celebrating Eid/Sallah - Breaking the Fast with Chief


I try every year to be in northern Ghana at the end of Ramadan.  I enjoy the love, joy and celebration that permeates this special time, and we always try to have special treats for the children.

In this video I am breaking the Fast with the Chief, sharing traditional food with them in a centuries old ritual.

EID/Sallah, the feast after Ramada is a special time throughout the Islamic world.  This year, 2020 EID will take place over this weekend (May 23-24).  Because of Covid celebrations will be different, but the love, sharing and hospitality will be the same.  I am disappointed to not be in Ghana to celebrate but we will do something as soon as I am able to return.

#KnowYourProducts – a series of informational posts about Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Kombo Butter and the women, families and communities that make it.  We believe the more you know, the better choices you make, the better products you make and the better you can educated and serve your customers

These next lines give you more information about Baraka Shea Butter – read them if interested.

What we hope you take away from this post more than anything is that you impact women, families and communities when you buy shea butter and that it is important to know the source of your shea butter.

It is so easy to have ‘raw and unrefined’ shea butter that was industrially processed, chemically extracted and all the income and impact ripped from the women and given to the factory. See more in this blog https://barakasheabutter.com/sheabutter_blog/unrefined-and-raw-shea-butter/

All Baraka products are harvested and hand processed by women in rural Ghanaian villages using age-old traditions and techniques. It is core to traditional life and to their economic well-being.

You make a difference with every purchase from Baraka, or from people who make products with Baraka Shea Butter.

It has a direct impact on hard-working women and their families.

You can learn more, or order at https://barakasheabutter.com/

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