Carbon Free Shipping & Supporting Hard-Working Rural Women
Every Baraka Shipment to our customers is now shipped carbon neutral, with the support going towards a project in Kenya, providing hard-working rural women with stoves that reduce cooking time, conserve fuel, combat climate change and deforestation and reduce the fuel cost for the women.
This only happened because of the support and encouragement of our customers.
When we offered them the opportunity to voluntarily offset the carbon cost of shipping their orders to them, they stepped up in a big way, offsetting up to 70% of the orders some months. This is important for our customers, for the planet and for all of us at Baraka.
We began searching for the right project to work with so we could offset all orders. We literally found it in our backyard with an existing partner!
Our work with Burn Design Lab to develop and pilot improved shea nut roasters, which can result in up to a 90% reduction in carbon emissions from shea nut roasting while also providing significant health, economic and other benefits, led us to the perfect project.
Burn Design Lab had previously developed a project in Kenya, designing and providing economical, fuel efficient cookstoves to Kenyan women. (Read about it here).
We were able to develop a mechanism that enables us to offset the emissions from our shipments and contribute the money to this project.
We are proud to announce that 100% of our shipments to customers are now shipping carbon neutral, and supporting more hard-working rural African women at the same time.
And, we are actively working with Burn Design Lab and other partners to develop a carbon offset project in Ghana.
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