2019 Skincare Goals (Happy Skin – Happy Year!)
Better Skin, Better Me: 2019 body care resolutions. Simple (and easy) steps to happier skin, happier and healthier you for 2019 (learn how DIY tips & Shea Butter Recipes). It’s already 2019, can you believe it? So many of us are already making lists of New Year’s Resolutions, like going to the gym 3x a week, saving 20% more each month, and remembering to call mom more often. These are all GREAT, and surely, highly achievable. Well, they are great, and some will achieve them, but let’s be honest, they get tiring to carry out…
Eating ‘greener’ and exercising more are both excellent goals to set for yourself. Your body is your temple and therefore, should be treated as such. But what about specifically, the largest organ in your body? Your skin.
Have you ever made skincare goals for the New Year? It might sound silly, but the health of your skin can be a window to the overall health of your body. Happy Skin, Happy and Healthy You
Let’s give it a try, and don’t worry, we are here to help!
Use more products that are organic or natural.
Back in September, Baraka’s blog published a post on what exactly it means when we say a product is natural vs organic. While both are better than the chemically processed skincare products on the market, always opt for the shorter and more palatable ingredient list. Use pure, unrefined shea butter. Your skin will thank you! -
Wash your face before bed, and ALWAYS remove makeup.
We are all guilty of it, at least once. You are too tired to wash your face after a night of partying or maybe you’re just too lazy to wipe off the mascara from the morning meeting. Either way, make it a habit to always remove makeup and cleanse your skin before bed. Makeup that sits on your skin can actually age your skin, and over time can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. In the short term, opting out of cleansing before hitting the sheets can leave you with unwanted irritation and pimples. Yikes! -
Exfoliate once a week.
Our skin peels daily, whether we see it or not. To help show off the ‘youngest’ and healthiest layer of skin, opt for exfoliating at least once a week. This will show brighter, firmer skin, while sloughing off any dull dead skin cells. -
Visit your dermatologist at least once.
Whether or not you have a pre-existing skin-condition, it is always wise to visit your dermatologist annually. They can check your body for moles and irregular marks that may have appeared. -
Moisturize daily.
We talk about this in almost every blog article – moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Healthy skin is moisturized skin. Whip up your favorite DIY body butter (we love this one that includes Baraka Shea Butter in it, see more at the DIY Shea Butter Recipes site). By constantly moisturizing your skin, you can prevent fine lines and wrinkles from appearing, as well as minimize any you may have already. -
Drink tons of water.
Last year, an editor of a large magazine did a study on herself. She drank 8, 8oz glasses of water per day for 30-days and documented the before and after images. People were amazed, as she actually looked 10 years younger and much healthier. She was glowing and many of her skin ailments had slowly vanished. So drink up everyone!
Use more products that are organic or natural.
These small changes to your skincare regimen with bring big results! Many of these tips are beneficial to more than just your skin, but also, your overall well-being. Do you have any other skincare goals for 2019? Share them with us!
Remember Happy Skin, Happy and Healthy You and Happy 2019!
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