Dignity of Income Fund
Contribute directly to support women, children, the community and the environment in rural Ghana through the Sorizu Alfred Zinbankaara Memorial Fund.
100% of your contribution goes directly to project work. Baraka Shea Butter covers all overhead and administration directly.
And, added bonus, every order supports hard-working women in Ghana. See how in our¬ Impact Report .
Get Involved
We welcome engagement and support from the Baraka community and others interested in supporting development in rural Ghana.
When you donate through this page, or add a tip to your order, it goes directly to the fund.
Email us at info@dignityofincome.com if you want to know more or visit dignityofincome.com
Past Projects
We identified several specific project opportunity areas and we're engaging with the women and families Baraka works with to prioritize them. Some prior projects included:
- Girl child education
- School fees, supplies and uniforms
- Sports equipment/recreation
- Income generation support
- General community development
- Tree planting
- Creation of Women’s Enterprise Centre
- Micro-credit support
Why Choose Baraka?

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Alfred had a lifelong commitment to supporting women, children and development in rural Ghana, where he was born. He worked closely with Baraka Shea Butter and its local partner in Ghana to develop and implement programs that made a difference. Alfred’s vision and passion was to support girl-child education and provide the dignity of income to hard-working rural women in Ghana.
Over the past twelve years, we have worked on many development projects with active support from key partners and customers of Baraka.
Growing up in Tapko, a rural community in Ghana’s Upper West Region, Alfred experienced first-hand the challenges of poverty and remoteness and saw how important income sources were for the women, who were the backbone of most families.
Through hard work, good fortune and exceptional intelligence, Alfred could propel himself forward, learning and educating and eventually rising to one of the most senior leadership roles in the Ghana Revenue Agency before his untimely death in 2015. His death was sadly brought on by illness contracted while he was back in his community working to support women and development.
He is the inspiration behind the Sorizu Alfred Zinbankaara Fund and the Dignity of Income Project.

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