Traditional Shea Butter Soap
Shea Butter has been used for making soap for centuries. Women living in the Shea Forest on the edge of the Sahara have learned how to make it from their mothers and grandmothers and, in turn, have taught their daughters and granddaughters.
Techniques and learning, passed down through generations.
In this video Amina Yussif, discussed traditional Shea Butter Soap, how it is made and used and some of its history.
#KnowAboutShea – a series of informational posts about shea butter and the women, families and communities that make it
These next lines give you more information about Baraka Shea Butter – read them if interested.
What we hope you take away from this post more than anything is that you impact women, families and communities when you buy shea butter and that it is important to know the source of your shea butter.
It is so easy to have ‘raw and unrefined’ shea butter that was industrially processed, chemically extracted and all the income and impact ripped from the women and given to the factory. See more in this blog
Baraka Shea Butter is handmade by women in northern Ghana using age-old traditions and techniques. It is core to traditional life and to their economic well-being.
You make a difference with every purchase from Baraka, or from people who make products with Baraka Shea Butter.
It has a direct impact on hard-working women and their families.
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