Community Water Well


#WaterIsLife – true everywhere, and especially in shea butter producing communities on the edge of the Sahara in Northern Ghana.

Village wells are the centre of community social and much work activity. Women meet, children play, everyone works. In the morning especially you will see women and children fetching water for their households. Laundry is done near the well so they don’t have to carry the water so far.

Pumping water is hard work, but done with laughter, joy and community.

Lessons for all of us to ponder


#KnowAboutShea – a series of informational posts about shea butter and the women, families and communities that make it

These next lines give you more information about Baraka Shea Butter – read them if interested. What we hope you take away from this post more than anything is that you impact women, families and communities when you buy shea butter and that it is important to know the source of your shea butter. It is so easy to have ‘raw and unrefined’ shea butter that was industrially processed, chemically extracted and all the income and impact ripped from the women and given to the factory.

Baraka Shea Butter is handmade by women in northern Ghana using age-old traditions and techniques. It is core to traditional life and to their economic well-being.

You make a difference with every purchase from Baraka, or from people who make products with Baraka Shea Butter.

It has a direct impact on hard-working women and their families.

You can learn more, or order at


If you want to learn more about Shea Butter, how it is made, the women who make it and their children, families and communities please check out the videos and information on our website

For an indexed list of videos
For an indexed set of blogs
For information on the women and communities where Baraka Shea Butter is made
For information about shea butter
Contact us directly – (and you will hear back within 1 business day)
And, if you ever want to try Baraka Shea Butter you can find a link to on our website.

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